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The Perfect Stool Understanding and Healing the Gut Microbiome

Aug 20, 2021

Interested in learning about natural therapies used in IBD? Dr. Steven Sandberg-Lewis follows a three-point approach to encouraging and maintaining remission in Crohn's and colitis, which includes diet, immunomodulation and stress management. Hear about the importance of physical as well as emotional healing, the different types of colitis, a musical rendition of the Bristol Stool Chart and more.

Lindsey Parsons, your host, helps clients solve gut issues and reverse autoimmune disease naturally. She’s a Certified Health Coach at High Desert Health in Tucson, Arizona. She coaches clients locally and nationwide. You can also follow Lindsey on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest or reach her via email at to set up a free 30-minute Gut Healing Breakthrough Session.

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