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The Perfect Stool Understanding and Healing the Gut Microbiome

Mar 30, 2022

Fecal transplants or FMT are only allowed in the US for recurrent C Difficile infections. Hear from Sabine Hazan, MD, a researcher who conducts clinical trials using FMT and lead author of the 2020 book “Let’s Talk Shit: Disease, Digestion and Fecal Transplants” about her experience with FMT (versus antibiotics)...

Mar 16, 2022

Having digestive issues but not sure where they may be originating? Learn about the details of the digestive process and organs from start to finish so that you can pinpoint possible areas where your digestion may be going wrong in order to restore your gut health on the latest episode of The Perfect Stool podcast...

Mar 2, 2022

Studies show that many children with autism have intestinal yeast infections, which can impact their behavior. Learn about current research from purified microbiota transplants to probiotics to nutritional interventions to improve the functioning of children and adults with autism with James Adams, PhD from Arizona...